About Me

I am known to most as Ian. To others I am Ryuunosuke, the Dragon of Forerunner. To several, I am Mud, the result of a bad joke I told. One person calls me Awa-Chan (Bubbles). That was also my fault. To those online, I am known by my screen name Syntarus, a name my brother made, and also uses. Nine out of ten times it is me. But not on EA online, someone took it before me.
But to most I am Ian, but few know me well. Those who do may know me as a video game enthusiast, a First Tech Robotics member, or even fewer, as a friend. To you, blog reader, I am whatever you chose to believe.  If you want to believe the truth, read on.. I am in 11th grade, and am actually doing this blog as an assignment for an AP course. My idols are my friends, family, and the members of the Monster Hunter Podcast, especially Krystian Majewski. I can cook minute rice in 58 seconds, it just doesn’t taste very good. I self-classify myself as an explorer/social type gamer, with a dash of achiever. When I play magic I tend to fall under the domain of “Jonny." The rest of this may be kind of dry, so read ahead at your own risk.
As I mentioned before I am a gaming enthusiast. My first real game was a pacman type game, with a mouse and cats, which I played it on the ColecoVision. Later on I moved to the Playstation One. It was 2007. I was already eleven by this time, and was introduced to video games later than many of my peers. Soon after I got a Wii, and my real gaming career began. I started with Wii sports and a Star Wars dueling game. I truly became the gamer I am today when my brother purchased the game “Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga” I played that game for a long time, eventually completing the full game. In this time, I browsed all of the available channels on the Wii. I had the Nintendo channel, and I hadn’t used it much, so I decided to look at some games it recommended. That’s where I found Monster Hunter.
I have over seven hundred hours of experience in the Monster Hunter universe. It started with Tri, which had disappointed me immediately. I had however, spent most of my birthday money on it, so I gave a good chance. After three hours I was enamored. The gathering and boring running around eventually changed to intense battles with epic monsters. That’s when I started to love that game. Upon my completion of both offline and online Tri, I eventually wound up with a Playstation Portable, and a copy of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. I played that also, until I made it up until the final tier of the highest rank. However then, my PSP broke.    
That marked a turn in my gaming history. That was when I acquired my Vita. You see, I had a warranty on my PSP, however, the company that paid out the warranty did not have any PSP’s on hand. They did, however, have Vita’s. I had only had downloaded games, and it worked perfectly, minus the fact all of my saved data was gone. My first actual Vita game was Persona 4 Golden. It was an amazing experience to play through that game, with the added features and an amazing storyline. It lead to me getting its predecessor, Persona 3 in its portable port. It also was amazing. I also played Metal Gear Solid for my first time, and it left a major impression on me.
The major games and game series that have truly changed the way I played video games were then, Monster Hunter, Persona, Valhalla Knights, Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness and Metal Gear Solid. I also play tabletop roleplaying games, and was a Gamemaster of a star wars roleplaying game for a while. I currently play as part of a group and various games. Very recently I was introduced to the card game Magic: The Gathering, which I have come to love and play much with my friends.
I also very much like Japan, and am enrolled in a Japanese class. My favorite games tend to be Japanese games, and I also sometimes like to play them in Japanese. In fact, a major bonus in a game to me is the ability to toggle Japanese voice acting or even characters. This is something I particularly liked about Disgaea.
Now, I would like to congratulate anyone with the patience to read to the bottom of this. Congratulations. You are one of the few brave warriors of justice with the audacity to climb this mountain of text. Or you skipped ahead, in which case you are a disgrace to your family. Thank you for reading.

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