Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reaction to Persona 5 Teaser

Watch the entire teaser trailer here.
Mild (unmarked) spoilers regarding themes in Persona 3 and 4 abound below. You have been warned.

Please ignore the random blog of numbers at the top, if it occurs. Blogger is being mean to me. Sorry.

This is it guys. The first official release of any details regarding Persona 5.

And it's a bunch of chairs and shackles. With a vague phrase written in bad engrish (You have to wonder if it was intentional. Atlus is a big enough company they should have had it checked.)

There's not a lot to work with here, but I think that's the point. I am going to make some predictions about the game based on this teaser, and the previous games in the series (Mostly 3 and 4, as I have played only those).

Simply, there are five chairs. I believe this means you will have a party of five main characters.

Next, lets go to color scheme. I don't find the black/gray or white important here (Unless the game takes place in Yemen or Trinidad and Tobago), but I think red will likely be the games background color. For Persona 3 it was blue (The portable version also had the Female Main Character's pink), and 4 was yellow or gold. When day's change, the marker will be red (as it's yellow in the below screenshot of Persona 4), and the pause screen will be red. The red color also suggests blood, which brings me to my next main point.

I sense a return to a darker theme, closer to Persona 3's "Remember you will die," than Persona 4's "Life carries on." The words suggest that you are a slave of some sort. Note that (In the video) first, a chair appears, and later, a shackle appears on that chair, and another chair blinks in. This repeats, with each chair gaining a shackle as the next appears. I believe the shackle represents the persona each character gets, and that as one party member appears, or becomes obvious as one, the previous will obtain their persona, chaining them to whatever the fate is.

However, they will fight against this fate for "emancipation," so it is likely not desirable. In this game, the personas may be regarded as a curse, instead of a gift. I feel this would broaden the horizons of the series.

Another possible explanation, albeit a very obvious and unlikely one, is that they are drawing an analogy to school being prison. Many of the people I know I would agree with this comparison. However, Persona as a whole seems to largely subvert this idea by allowing large amounts of freedom in the school life you participate in.

Social links will likely return, as they have become a trademark of the newer games. The social links may even be integrated into the story better, and could be more variable than before. The protagonist will likely be of the Fool arcana, and the Velvet Room should play some part. Philemon will appear indirectly as a butterfly or something, and the villain will be some powerful dark entity that represents death or something foreboding like that.

There is one thing I have no basis for, but that I wish to see. That is the return of characters from other Persona games. Persona 3 and 4 had little of this, but the extensions were a little better (Arena includes many characters of Persona 3, and 3 Portable includes a young Yukiko from Persona 4). 

These are my specific views, and may be discounted by later trailers. I will continue to post on Persona 5 news as more information is released. Keep in mind that this is a Japanese game, and I do not really understand Japanese.

Persona 5 comes to the Playstation 3 Winter 2014 (in Japan).


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