Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cookie Clicker - The Appeal of Sitting and Watching

Two games that I never would have thought I'd enjoy, yet find endlessly amusing, are Cookie Clicker, and Candy Box. These games require a minimal amount of actual effort, but can be rather entertaining to play.  I'll start with Cookie Clicker.

As the title implies you click on a cookie. From clicking on this cookie you get cookies. That's the start. After a while you can buy things to make the cookies for you, requiring your attention less and less, and eventually you make many each second. If you do want to pay attention there are amusing scroll titles at the top, and you can make decisions with your cookie very quickly. However, there is nothing more to the game than getting cookies.

The other game I mentioned, Candy Box, starts out similarly. You gain 1 candy per second, and can eat them, or throw then on the ground. Don't do that, wait. Eventually you will have enough to buy a sword and start going on quests to get more candies and special items. You can get a lollipop farm, and find the old witches house. Supposedly there is an alchemy function as well, but I have never gotten that far. I enjoy this one even more than cookie clicker, as there are so many hidden things for you to find.

Why do I enjoy these games? It might be because I am almost always doing something else on the computer at the same time, and these require very little attention. It is an amusing distraction from the other things, and will not punish you for taking some time away from it. It rewards you for doing so, actually. However, it doesn't make you keep coming back and waiting in such a way as many social games, such as Farmville do. It is also great fun to compete with your friends to see who can get the most cookies or items, just make sure to screenshot it for proof, friendships have been ruined over less.

If you know of any similar games I would love to have you suggest them to me. Please post them in the comments section.

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