Thursday, October 17, 2013

Supernatural: The Video Game

Welcome to my first ever "rant about why a game should be made and how and why it could be done effectively, while still knowing next to nothing about actual game design possibly making me look like a pompous idiot." post. There is no Supernatural video game (Referring to the popular television series.), but I wish there was (Yes I am a fan, no I do not "ship" Sam and Dean, I find that mildly disturbing.)

The Main Characters of the series (From left to right) Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, and Castiel (He's more of a frequently recurring character).

The idea is not a new one - Have a game where you are a Hunter in Sam and Dean's world, (They are the main characters, and hunters, for those who do not know, Hunters as in "Monster Hunters." [Not related to the game series I have mentioned before]) and go around dispelling ghosts, killing vampires, and dealing with demons. There are games that let you do similar things, but not like how I envision this could be. How would this game would appeal to people that don't watch the show? Here are some ways that it would be great and successful among everyone, if well implemented -

Character Creation
You would need to be able to make your own character. I think the idea of playing as one of the brothers might be disliked by some for interrupting canon, assuming it wasn't a game narrative of the T.V. show (Which I wouldn't like.) Also, those who don't watch the show wouldn't care about being Sam or Dean, and would probably rather be a hunter of their own design. Of course, there could be DLC allowing you to play as them, or other hunters, for specific missions. You could also still interact with them, or compete with them to find and destroy a specific monster.

Finding and Choosing Targets
You should also be able to research what kinds of mysterious phenomena are going on, and decide which to go after. You should have to investigate what it is and what kills it, contacting you're numerous sources, but also be able to cut to the chase if you have a hunch, or know what to do. Actually finding the targeted monster should be challenging, and require inquiry, as shown in the T.V.  shows. This may require you to go into disguise (Such as pretending to be members of the F.B.I.) or follow a suspected Vampire. There should still be an overarching story however, as repetitive doing of these may get boring without some interesting plot twists.

Fighting in this game should be unique. Anything that could be realistically used as a weapon, should be able to be. Monsters should be able to knock things out of your hands and vice versa, and you would have to learn how to skillfully use something. Their would also be things that you didn't have to fight, or even encounter directly, such as ghosts. As in the show, you would have to find the grave, dig it up, and salt and burn the bones.

Complex Socialization System
You need to be able to mold your characters personality, and have free reign in conversations. This helps you feel it is "you" in the game, and will motivate you more to care for the character. It's also a lot more fun that way. Bioware would be a good choice in this regard, as they are rather good at this.

Complex Morality System 
Things you do need to have consequences, but not necessarily immediate ones. Say you kill Bobby Fischer (A father-figure to the main characters, and rather important to storyline). Not only does this remove you from canon, but you lose an informant. Other hunters should be mad at you, possibly attacking you, and Sam and Dean would be pissed. However, non-essential characters should not be killed willy-nilly either, as it could get some bad karma, or make the police come after you. You may also have to make hard choices, such as choosing whether or not to kill a vampire that has never killed anyone. If you do, it will never hurt anyone. If you let it free, it may start killing and you have to deal with it, or it might become an ally and informant of great assistance.

Open World
I mean this here, and I mean world. Well, not exactly world, but at least several large cities and some smaller towns. As many as possible, bigger than the map for Grand Theft Auto V. I know that creating a giant world, especially one that giant, must be extremely difficult and take a long time, but the profits would make up for it, as I'll explain next.

Why people would buy this:

- For the series. Many people love this show, and would love to play a game version.
- For the unique challenge. As I am suggesting it, there would be no game like it out there. A new niche in gaming either fails horribly or succeeds greatly. I suspect the latter.
- There is nothing to compete with it. Similar to the above, if someone wants a game like this, they have to get this game.
- For the characters and story. Well written, it would provide a nice addition to the series, and allow minor characters to be explored more, or characters that appeared once to appear again and develop.
- For the experience. If it becomes popular among someone's friends, they may want the same experience.

I won't go into more technicalities, or argue about what console it should be on (I say Vita. It's the one I have, and it needs more good games. I say this wistfully and somewhat jokingly.) I simply say that it needs to be made. If a game developer stumbles upon this, the idea is yours, please make it (Talk to the creators of the show first though, that would avoid some problems).

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